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Click! → The Fruits Of Same-Sex Marriage

In the article "The Fruits Of Same-Sex Marriage," Rod Dreher writes - "Australia is about to have a plebiscite over whether or not to have same-sex marriage. Writing in the Spectator‘s Australian edition, David Sergeant asks readers to consider what has happened in Britain since same-sex marriage became the law of the land. If it had been only marriage law that changed, it might have been tolerable. But of course there has been much more — as we’ve seen in the US, though not (yet) to the extent Britain has."

Dreher continues - "If you are a pastor or some kind of church leader, and you aren’t mobilizing your congregation to understand the times and get active to resist this, what is wrong with you? If you are a social or religious conservative who thinks somehow that this is going to pass you by, and leave your kids and your church and your kids’ school alone, so you don’t have to worry about it, well, what is wrong with you?"

Dreher compares this 8-year-old drag queen boy named "Lactatia" to Pavel Morozov, the Soviet boy who denounced his parents to the secret police and had them executed. Think it can't happen here? See the article "So, LGBT Activists Do Want to Put Christians in Jail" for using the "wrong" pronoun when referring to nursing home residents. What that writer had predicted in 2011 is now coming to pass in crazy California.

Another article titled "Democratic McCarthyites" compares McCarthy's purging communists from the U.S. government in the 1950s to the unconstitutional grilling of a federal judge nominee this year by two U.S. senators for that jurist's Christian beliefs. But now the tables are turned, the roles are reversed: U.S. senators are calling traditional American values "hate" and "bigotry." It IS happening here, and most Americans won't know what hit them!

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