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Click! → Liberals declare war on 'Little House': they despise how it portrays Christianity, family life

In his article "Liberals declare war on 'Little House': they despise how it portrays Christianity, family life," Jonathon Van Maren writes - "Every year, thousands upon thousands of people arrive in De Smet, South Dakota in minivans filled with sweaty and excited children. They are here to see a small, nondescript white frame house with a sign in front of it that explains why everyone is here: Ingalls Home & Museum: The House that Pa Built in 1887.

"My brother and I spent an afternoon exploring there in 2011, driving out to the ancient graveyard on the edge of town where a shiny new sign points the way to the Ingalls grave sites. The little town was full of people, there to pay pilgrimage to America’s most beloved pioneer family, who had in so many ways come to symbolize for so many all that was good and true about the United States itself.

"But of course, in the America of 2018, we can celebrate the vilest forms of entertainment and hand out Oscars for perverse and sex-soaked storytelling that makes a mockery of everything America once was, but Laura Ingalls Wilder is simply too offensive. This week, the Association for Library Services decided to strip her name from a prestigious award for authors of children’s literature (a genre which Wilder can be given significant credit for developing)."

The whacko leftist "progressives" absolutely must fire up their fake outrage against anything and everything that smacks of traditional Christian values. It's about time that the normal, sane people of America gently inform them that they're simply out of their minds.

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