Learn To Serve The Poor, Sick And Elderly

Click the photo! The Medicare portion of the U.S. Social Security Trust Fund is going bankrupt, and yet many middle-class families who are able to pay for nursing home care hide their elderly parents' assets so that Medicare will pay. Financial counselors even advise this: "Let the government [other people] pay!"

Such fiscal and moral bankruptcy leads to the point where sick and elderly people are simply left to die: we've witnessed this in Russia where we served for 17 years, 1991-2007, during and after the USSR's collapse. We lived through 1,000,000% inflation there due to the government printing so much "fiat money." Now the U.S. is doing it!

Churches, synagogues and other private nonprofits must teach their people how to serve the poor, sick and elderly who are truly unable to take care of themselves. It isn't just the responsibility of government, the O.P.M. of the people: "Socialism only works until it runs out of Other People's Money" - Margaret Thatcher. Sooner or later, the U.S. economy will be unable to pay for all its promised benefits.

Sooner or later, those "other people" will be YOU. So NOW is the time to Learn To Serve The Poor, Sick And Elderly. See when our next course begins, and enroll!

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