Seek the Welfare of the City

Click the photo! As a student of Middle Eastern history, I learned of the notable achievements of the Early Church in the Byzantine Empire, providing an example of philanthropy later throughout Europe and the world. The Early Church took an active role in society, healing the sick and caring for the poor, orphans and elderly. Gradually, however, the Byzantine state began to take over the financing of philanthropic works.

I encourage churches, synagogues and other charitable organizations to take back their social ministries from the government. Leftists have usurped charity and changed it into the amoral support-single-mothers, vote-getting welfare system we have today, implying "more free sex and welfare checks!" in exchange for votes.

When the Leftists compel you under threat of doing jail time to pay taxes that finance welfare programs, then love for mankind ("philanthropy") is no longer love: forced "love" is called rape. Let's get the government out of the welfare business, and restore it back to true charitable work so that genuine charity can transform human nature and help the sick, poor, orphans and elderly find fullness of life.

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