Eliminate the Federal Reserve

Click the photo! For almost 150 years, the United States functioned with the U.S. Treasury, Alexander Hamilton's masterful creation, managing the government's finances. Earlier attempts to form a national bank had failed, so in 1910 a group of financiers and a U.S. senator met secretly on Jekyll Island off the Georgia coast.

"Secrecy was paramount. 'Discovery,' wrote one attendee later, 'simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would have been wasted. If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress'” according to a 1913 Washington Post article. Thus the U.S. Federal Reserve System began as secret collusion between bankers and politicians.

We must Eliminate the Federal Reserve, replacing it with a new banking system run by and looking out for the financial security of all citizens, forbidding usurious interest on short-term loans, not issuing more money than what matches the GDP, nor allowing loans longer than six years (see Escaping Debt Slavery). Both government and citizens must live within their income, save a portion every month, and not spend more than they earn.

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