Escaping Debt Slavery

Click the photo! Why are U.S. middle-class incomes falling? Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Simple! Because the poor get tricked into giving their money to the rich! How? Through long-term and usurious interest rates.

The rich understand what most poor people don't: the magic of compound interest. When signing a 30-year mortgage with a "5% interest rate," most people don't realize that in the first six years they're paying 74% interest. That means in the first six years, you've maybe paid for the front porch and the front door: the bankers and their investors get the rest of your money. But on a 6-year loan at 5% you'll only pay 16% interest!

Another way that bankers and their investors get your money is by student loans and credit card debt. It seems so easy to take out a student loan ...and another ...and another ...until you're thirty- or fifty- or eighty-thousand dollars in debt for your B.A. degree. Or you "need" new furniture for your new apartment or new house, so you "put it on the credit card"... at 18% or 22% interest. Then you get behind on your payments and are assessed costly penalties. All these types of loans create "fiat money" out of thin air, making the rich richer and you poorer, adding to inflation and driving down real income: see Eliminate the Federal Reserve on how it works.

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